The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time was a good and easy read. The book did have some sections and chapters that were quite hard to follow, but one could work through them. The author does many things well throughout the book, for example, when the book comes to a point where most readers would become quite confused, Haddon takes the time to explain what is going on in Christopher's head. That makes this book much easier to read.
The book was quite eye-opening. Before reading this, a reader goes in expecting a book about a dog-murderer. Half-way through the book, it takes a twist and becomes a story about a boy trying to find his mother. Going through the journey that Christopher takes on his way to London makes the reader question the reactions of the people who observe Christopher doing his, odd acts. Would you react the same?
This book also questions the morality and hearts of Christopher's parents. How does Christopher's mother just pack up and leave her disabled son? She just leaves with the next door neighbor like its nothing. Christopher's father is not free of charge though. He hides letters from Christopher that could actually help him better understand the real-world. Instead Christopher's father decides to hide the truth from his disabled son, eventually losing his son to the mother that he lied about for years. Overall, a pretty good book.
This book review kept me on the edge of my seat. Bravo.