Monday, November 28, 2011

Journal #1

      Life and prime numbers are far from alike. It is easy to see where Christopher is coming from when he says that prime numbers are like life in the way that you can never figure the pattern out, no matter how hard you try. If Christopher had the ability to think more logically, he would realize that prime numbers never change. Life on the other hand, is forever changing.
      When one looks at life, they are usually trying to figure out its meaning. When one looks at prime numbers, they see no change. Prime numbers are facts, were facts, and will forever be factual. Since the beginning of time, prime numbers have held their value and their meaning. Life however, does not hold a specific value or meaning. Life is what a person makes it out to be, Christopher does not have the ability to understand that. Therefore, life and prime numbers... are not alike.

Blogging Hard

Finally on Blogger. Ready to blog hard or go home.